Promoteur du projet: SNVEL Contact Bruno Pelletier |
Regulation of veterinary assistantsSome countries in the FOCUS study have specific regulations defining technical prescriptions (authorised acts, use of title, etc.) for the profession of veterinary nurse. In some cases there is also a labour agreement, a contractual document setting out career details and social cover for employees.
Although an absence of regulations is to be expected in Hungary, this is surprising for Finland and Portugal. List of countries where the regulations can be consulted on the internet or where the documentation is available on request:DENMARK:See "Act for veterinary nursing". FRANCE :Convention collective des Cabinets de Cliniques Vétérinaires - UNITED SLOVENIA:Pravilnik o pogojih, ki jih morajo izpolnjevati veterinarske organizacije, in o postopku njihove verifikacije (UL RS 35/03), (Act on conditions for veterinary practices their verification, article 21 Act determining independent jobs, which VAs are allowed to do.) |