Data by category
Characteristics of training for veterinary assistants

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Dr Vétérinaire

Characteristics of training for veterinary assistants

Training for veterinary assistants differs from country to country in the study. The information gathered in our study is collated in the following table, showing a description of the training where this exists, the level of qualification, the name of the training organisation and the length of study.

Description of
Professional training Professional training organised in the private sector Professional training organised in the private sector Professional qualifying training None Further education professional training Professional training Professional training Professional training Professional training (NVQ - National Vocational Qualification)
Initial training Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Professional retraining No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Sandwich training Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No Yes
Type of qualification Nationally recognised Recognised only in the private sector Nationally recognised Nationally recognised Nationally recognised Nationally recognised Nationally recognised Nationally recognised Nationally recognised
Training body CEU Kolding AVEPA (Asociacion de Veterinarios Especialistas en Animales de Compane) School of Amiedu & school of Pemo GIPSA (Groupement d'Intérêt Public de Santé Animal) ex CNFA (Centre National de Formation des Apprentis) Instituto Politéchnico de Elvas & Instituto Politéchnico de Viseu Agricultural School of Group & Palas de Constanta & Prejmer-Brasov Srednja agnozivilska sola Institute of Postgraduate Education of VS Telford College & Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons
Type of training State Private sector Private sector State State State State State State
Total length of training 3 years and 10 weeks 5 years 4 years 2 years 3 years 4 years 4 years 4 years 2.5 years
% Length of practical training 69 40 83 75 50 47 31 50 60
% Length of theoretical training 31 60 27 25 50 53 69 50 40

The overall table shows that training is of a professional nature in all the countries studied. Only Portugal has recognised further education professional training, all the other countries having professional training of secondary level.

The conditions of training (initial, professional retraining, sandwich training) vary from country to country. Only the United Kingdom offers the three possibilities and Hungary none at all.

In all the countries where training exists, it is nationally recognised except in Spain, where it is recognised only in the private sector. This is due to the fact that in Spain training of veterinary assistants is done by a private institution. In the other countries (except Finland), training bodies are in the public sector.

What is particularly striking about this study of training for veterinary assistants is the total length of training, which varies between 2 years (in France) and almost 5 years in Spain. In general, the average length of training is 3 years in the countries studied.

The break-down between practical work and theoretical training also varies greatly from country to country. Some countries, like France, the United Kingdom, Denmark and Finland, favour practical teaching, others preferring theoretical teaching (Slovenia).

In conclusion, the study showed a wide variation in veterinary nursing training particularly with respect to the length of study.